Cutter Girl! A Librarian Resource Haven
Cutter Girl! Tells All

Laura E. Leone was born in an as of yet undisclosed year in the middle of last century. She was raised by small, woodland creatures in southern New York, near the Hudson River.
After almost two decades of adventures in costume jewelry wearing, bad perm experimentation, and educational hootenannies, she went off to the wild unknowns of Ann Arbor, Michigan to study, row, and find herself. Her accolades at U of M include being voted by her teammates "most likely to fall off the dock," and, in 1987, she claimed a small patch of sidewalk in Windsor, Ontario for the United States. She survived the Cold War without injury.
Four years later, discovering that she had not found herself, Laura returned to the East Coast armed with a dual degree in Macrame and Napping. Laura resided in Boston, Massachusetts for 12 years, where she did post-graduate study in procrastination and nocturnal poetry writing before moving back to her native New York. She is the Systems Librarian for a fabulous museum/archives/library hybrid, a voracious reader, and a self-taught guitarist (some might contest this last one). Laura likes to reminisce about times spent gesticulating at others from the driver's seat of the car she used to own when she was solvent. In her spare time, Laura likes to get riled up over the actions, attitudes, and general arrogance of the Bush administration until she's blue in the face.
AND, although rumors of an alleged unsavory photospread for Library Journal have gone unfounded, Laura has been known to lay around on her living room carpet eating chips and salsa for hours on end.
I am indebted to my parents for their steadfast encouragement, for passing on their sense of humor and joyful love of books, for teaching me to embrace all things marginal, and for agreeing to humor me by checking out each new web endeavor of mine.
This site is dedicated to W. K. Evansonovich, my fellow 'bone folder wannabe', and our sublime adventures in cataloging.
 Image © Corporation of London