Cutter Girl! A Librarian Resource Haven
Decompress. Focus. Go elsewhere. Read.
 Image © Corporation of London
Cutter Girl! loves to read. Short stories, novels, memoirs, history, essays, poetry, travel narratives, even some philosophy, if I'm in a real "talking out of my rear" kind of mood. Some of my favorite writers include Ian McEwan, Raymond Carver, Alice Munro, Tim O'Brien, William Trevor, Charles Baxter, Edna O'Brien, James Joyce, Yeats, Ibsen, Kate Chopin, Jean Rhys, Zora Neale Hurston... I could seriously go on for pages.
I'm reading or will be reading soon:
Suite Francaise - Irene Nemirovsky
Nora - Brenda Maddox
The Exception - Christian Jungersen
The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri
A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
On the Natural History of Destruction - W. G. Sebald
A few books that knocked me off my feet were:
Book Headlines from The New York Times
Below are some links to literary news, reviews, tidbits, and other resources. Write me if you know of any other informative sites to include. Thank you!
 Andre Dubus III quote courtesy of Random House
Books at the BBC
Salon.com Book Magazine The Modern Word
Quotations Finder
Bartletts' Quotations
Literary Resources on the Net
The Literary Web
IPL Literary Criticism
Literary Marketplace
The Literary Traveler
Wired.com Culture
New York Times Book Review

Times Literary Supplement
Village Voice Literary Supplement
Books at The Guardian
Have you reckon'd a thousand acres much? have you reckon'd the
earth much?
Have you practis'd so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin
of all poems,
You shall possess the good of the earth and sun, (there are millions
of suns left,)
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look
through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self...
I know I have the best of time and space, and was never measured
and never will be measured.
I tramp a perpetual journey, (come listen all!)
My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the
No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair,
I have no chair, no church, no philosophy,
I lead no man to a dinner-table, library, exchange,
But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll,
My left hand hooking you round the waist,
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents and the pub-
lic road.
Not I, not any one else can travel that road for you,
You must travel it for yourself...
It is not far, it is within reach,
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not
Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land.
Long enough have you dream'd contemptible dreams,
Now I wash the gum from your eyes,
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of
every moment of your life.
You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.
Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
excerpts from "Song of Myself," Walt Whitman
 Image © Corporation of London