Cutter Girl! A Librarian Resource Haven
Laura E. Leone saltyla@verizon.net

Employment History
The Center for Jewish History - New York, NY
December 2007-present ---Director of Library Systems
- Administration of Integrated Library System, including Unix configuration and troubleshooting
- Data migration and conversion work - legacy systems to new ILS
- Retrospective conversion project manager
- Organizing local ILS training efforts and documentation
- Spearheading effort to generate cataloging standards for the CJH
- Staff technical support
- Authority control project manager - working with outside vendor on project
- Supervision of German/Dutch and Hebrew/Yiddish retrospective conversion catalogers
May 2003-December 2007 ---Systems Librarian
- Administration of Integrated Library System, including Unix configuration and troubleshooting
- Data migration and conversion work - legacy systems to new ILS
- Retrospective conversion project manager
- Organizing local ILS training efforts and documentation
- Spearheading effort to generate cataloging standards for the CJH
- Staff technical support
- Authority control project manager - working with outside vendor on project
- Summer 2007--> Mellon Grant Cataloging Project - Project Manager - supervision of Hebrew and German language catalogers; 30,000 items to be cataloged into four separate bibliographic systems, including subject cataloging, authority control work, and classification work
September 2002-May 2003 ---Archival Cataloger
- Original cataloging of archival collections
- Retrospective conversion project manager
- Authority control work/standardization
- Spearheading effort to generate cataloging standards for the CJH
The Boston Athenaeum - Boston, MA
January 1999-September 2002 ---Cataloging Intern
- Retrospective conversion project cleanup
- Copy cataloging/reclassing projects
- Work with online national database to reconcile book problems
- New acquisitions processing
- Conversion of open shelf books to rare status
The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. - New York, NY
March 2001-Nov 2001---Author
Boston University (Disability Services) - Boston, MA
September 1999-Jan 2001---Skills Tutor
- Tutored learning disabled students in all subjects - 2 hours per student per week
- Worked on reading comprehension and writing skills
Editorial Services of New England, Inc. (now named Nsight) - Cambridge, MA (now in Burlington, MA)
February 1998-June 1998---Project Manager
- Was responsible for 8-10 active projects
- Maintained contact with clients, authors, and publications professionals
- Managed and developed content according to job specifications - work included print media, new media, and websites
- Managed the company's website
Addison Wesley Longman/Higher Education Publishing Group - Reading, MA
April 1997-February 1998---Assistant Producer, New Media Group
- On development teams for media projects in calculus, statistics, and developmental mathematics
- Project Manager for 3 post-developmental math series Websites - content development
- Worked directly with authors, designers, outside vendors, and consumers
Jan. 1997-April 1997---Media Assistant, New Media Group
- Monitored media project development for Math/Statistics & Business/Economics/CIS groups
Sept. 1995-Dec. 1996---Software Editor, Mathematics
- Inputted, edited, and modified InterAct Math Tutorial Software database of 16,000 problems
- Worked with team of four to build particular textbooks, in tandem with the book publishing process
- Endeavor Voyager ILS
- Ex Libris Aleph ILS
- LC, Cutter classification systems
- Unix, HTML, FTP, IE, Netscape, Search engines
- Created and maintain 2 personal websites: Cutter Girl! and James Joyce: Dyoublong?
- Media applications (Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, WinAmp)
- Photoshop, Adobe
References available upon request
